  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)09-0090-07
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.09.014
  • 项目基金:国家社科基金西部项目“时空观视角下的汉长安城遗址保护与民生发展协同性研究”(17XKG005)。
  • 作者简介:阳洁璐,长安大学建筑学院,硕士研究生; 陈稳亮,通信作者,博士,长安大学建筑学院城乡规划系系主任,博导(国际),教授; 姚岚,长安大学建筑学院,硕士研究生。
  • 基于战术城市主义理论的汉长安城遗址区闲置用地研究
  • Research on Idle Land in Han Chang,an City Site Based on Tactical Urbanism Theory
  • 浏览量:
  • 阳洁璐 陈稳亮 姚岚
  • YANG Jielu CHEN Wenliang YAO Lan
  • 摘要:
    新常态背景下,我国城市规划的研究重点逐渐从增量规划转向存量规划。战术城市主义理论作为西方国家近几年来兴起的城市设计理论,其思想对我国存量时代的研究具有重要启发。汉长安城遗址是城郊型大遗址,有别于城市中一般的空间资源,增量规划时代粗放扩张所致的土地问题在区内日渐凸显。文章以战术城市主义理论为支撑,揭示汉长安城遗址内闲置用地现状,并从类型、主体、时间、空间4 个方面解析遗址区内的闲置用地特征;进一步透过微观、中观、宏观3 个层级诊断汉长安城遗址区闲置用地的生成原因;在此基础上,结合战术城市主义理论与实践,探索适应性的汉长安城遗址区闲置用地活化利用策略。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Under the background of the new normal, the research focus of urban planning in China has gradually changed from incremental planning to stock planning. As an urban design theory rising in western countries in recent years, the idea of tactical urbanism has important inspiration for the research of stock planning in China. Han Chang’an City Site is a large suburban site, which is diff erent from the general spatial resources in the city. The land problem caused by extensive expansion in the era of incremental planning is becoming increasingly prominent. Therefore, based on the theory of tactical urbanism, this paper reveals the current situation of idle land in Han Chang’an City Site, and deeply analyzes the characteristics of idle land in the site area from four aspects: type, subject, time and space. The research further diagnoses the reasons for the generation of idle land in the Han Chang’an City Site Area through the three levels of micro, meso and macro. Finally, combined with the theory and practical experience of tactical urbanism, this paper explores the adaptive activation and utilization strategy of idle land in Han Chang’an City Site.
  • Key words: great relics; Han Chang’an City Site; idle land; tactical urbanism
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