  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)12-0088-07
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.12.013
  • 作者简介:张沚晴,女,北京林业大学硕士研究生,研究方向:风景园林规划设计; 顾越天,男,北京林业大学硕士研究生,研究方向:风景园林规划设计; 张玥,女,北京林业大学硕士研究生,研究方向:风景园林建筑; 殷炜达,通信作者,男,博士,北京林业大学园林学院副教授,研究方向:生态城市设计、城市绿地规划、城市绿地安全。
  • 时空演变视角下冬奥会对高山城镇空间形态发展的作用研究
  • Research on the Effect of Winter Olympics on the Development of Spatial Forms of Alpine Towns from the Perspective of Temporal and Spatial Evolution
  • 浏览量:
  • 张沚晴 顾越天 张玥 殷炜达
  • ZHANG Zhiqing GU Yuetian ZHANG Yue YIN Weida
  • 摘要:
    在国际冬季奥林匹克运动会的背景下,冰雪运动场地及相关基础设施以新建或改造更新的方式落位于高山城市(镇),并在一定程度上促进其发展与转型。讨论重大事件城市空间形态发展的关系,对理解“特殊事件”作为当今城市(镇)发展战略具有重要意义。基于时空演变的视角,分析1998 年至2018 年共6 届冬奥会雪上运动所在的高山城镇地区在冬奥会举办前后其空间形态发展的特征,讨论冬奥会对于高山城镇空间重构的模式与规律;对比我国崇礼冬奥赛区的发展条件,为后奥运时期的高山城镇的可持续建设与发展提供建议。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: In the context of the international Winter Olympic Games, construction or renovation of ice and snow sports venues and related infrastructure of the international competition level in alpine towns promotes their development and transformation to a certain extent. It is of great signifi cance to discuss the interrelation between urban major events undertaking and urban spatial development to understand “special events” as the development strategy of cities (towns) today. Based on the analysis of spatial-temporal evolution characteristics and observing alpine towns and cities which hosted the snow sports of the six Winter Olympics from 1998 to 2018, this paper qualitatively and quantitatively analyzes the characteristics of their spatial form development before and after the Winter Olympics, and discusses the patterns and rules of the spatial reconstruction of alpine towns and cities caused by the Winter Olympics. By comparing the development conditions of Chongli county in Zhangjiakou, this paper provides suggestions and references for the sustainable construction and development of the characteristic ice and snow towns during the post-Olympic period.
  • Key words: Winter Olympics; alpine towns; urban spatial form; major events; tourism towns
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