  • 社区微更新优化策略研究
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)02-0026-07
  • 中图分类号:F294    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.02.004
  • 作者简介:周晓艳,女,武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,副教授,博士,研究方向:城镇化与区域发展; 甘甜,女,武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,硕士,研究方向:城镇化与区域发展; 章芳,女,武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,硕士,研究方向:空间经济与区域发展。
  • 新城市主义视角下基于CRAI的城市社区宜居性评价 ——以武汉市主城区为例
  • Community Livability Evaluation from the Perspective of New Urbanism Based on CRAI :A Case of Wuhan, China
  • 浏览量:
  • 周晓艳 甘甜 章芳
  • ZHOU Xiaoyan GAN Tian ZHANG Fang
  • 摘要:
    城市社区是居民日常生活的核心区。改善社区及周边的居住环境、提供充足的生活资源与生活空间是提升城市宜居性的关键所在。本文在国内外理论和实践背景下,从社区居民日常生活的视角出发,利用P OI 数据和空间分析手段,运用改进C R A I 指数评价武汉市主城区社区的资源可获性,并在新城市主义的理论下对武汉市主城区社区宜居性进行评价。研究结果显示:武汉市主城区社区商业资源可获性最高,而文化资源可获性最低,不同资源的可获性差异较大;在空间上,所有社区资源均呈现较明显空间非均衡结构特征,尤其是社区的医疗与教育资源,在空间上呈现明显的二元结构;武汉市主城区社区宜居性整体出现“两头高,中间低”的特点,即高宜居性社区和低宜居性社区占比大,而中间层次的占比少。据此揭示出武汉市主城区社区资源配置存在的问题,提出改善武汉市主城区社区宜居性的建议。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The community is the core area of daily life of residents. Improving the living environment of the community and surrounding areas and providing sufficient living resources and living space are the key to improving the livability of the city. In the context of theory and practice at home and abroad, this paper uses POI data and spatial analysis methods to evaluate the resource availability of the community in Wuhan's main urban area from the perspective of daily life of community residents, and under the theory of new urbanism. The study implemented an assessment of the livability of community in Wuhan. The results indicate that Wuhan has the highest availability of commercial resources and the lowest availability of cultural resources, reflecting the large difference in the availability of different resources. The overall livability of Wuhan has the characteristics of "two heads high and low middle". That is, the high livability community and the low livability community account for a large proportion, while the middle level has a small proportion. Based on this, it reveals the problems of community resource allocation in the main urban area of Wuhan, proposes to improve the livability of the main urban area of Wuhan, provides theoretical direction for urban community space fairness planning and constructs the "15-minute living circle" plan for Wuhan urban area.
  • Key words: new urbanism; CRAI; community livability; POI; Wuhan
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